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LAMY scala

LAMY scala

Forming part of their premium collection, the LAMY scala has a fantastic weight that feels great in the hand. Boasting contemporary angular lines, and designed by German homeware company Sieger design, LAMY themselves say that “Material excess makes way for perfectly executed technical details". We stock the scala in all writing types including propelling pencil with 0.7mm lead, and fountain pen with nib sizes from extra fine to broad.

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9 Items

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9 Items
9 Products in Category | Viewing 9 of 9

  1. Engrave Me!
    LAMY scala Brushed Steel Fountain Pen
  2. Engrave Me!
    LAMY scala Black Rollerball Pen
  3. Engrave Me!
    LAMY scala Brushed Steel Rollerball Pen
  4. Engrave Me!
    LAMY scala Piano Black Rollerball Pen
  5. Engrave Me!
    LAMY scala Piano Black Fountain Pen
  6. Engrave Me!
    LAMY scala 2019 Special Edition Dark Violet Fountain Pen
  7. Engrave Me!
  8. Engrave Me!
    LAMY scala Black Fountain Pen
  9. Engrave Me!
    LAMY scala Black Ballpoint Pen

9 Items
9 Products in Category | Viewing 9 of 9