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Pen Heaven’s Handwriting Matters survey: The results revealed

Pen Heaven’s Handwriting Matters survey: The results revealed

Key Findings
"Almost one in three people think their handwriting is terrible or needs improvement." "Men think their handwriting is significantly worse than women’s." "Handwriting is still alive as a note taking tool, but we don’t send handwritten letters."How do you rate your handwriting?

More than half of people still write every day
Using computers, smartphones and laptops as part of our daily lives means people can now swap their pen for keyboards or touchscreens if they choose to. But the Pen Heaven survey found that most people still write by hand every day, suggesting the majority still see the value in putting pen to paper. Out of those who took part in the survey, 51.4% wrote by hand on a daily basis, while 21.4% picked up a pen to write at least once a week. However, on the other end of the spectrum, 16.5% of people admitted they couldn’t remember the last time they wrote something by hand. Men write less regularly than women with 19.4% saying they were unable to remember the last time they wrote by hand compared with 13.5% of women. Many people assume the older generation places a higher value on handwriting than younger people who may be more likely to use gadgets to communicate instead. But the Pen Heaven poll indicates this isn’t the case at all. Just 39.5% of over-65s wrote by hand every day while 18-24-year-olds were the most likely age group to pick up a pen with 60% saying they used a pen or pencil to write daily. At Pen Heaven we have previously discussed the memory benefits of writing regularly.Using a Notebook is still very Popular
Pen Heaven also asked participants whether they used a notebook to jot down their thoughts, ideas and reminders. The results proved that scribbling down notes was still a popular way to stay organised with 28.8% saying they used a notebook on a daily basis, and 28% at least once a week.
Sending Letters is a Lost Art
Although using a pen and paper is still a very popular way for people to express themselves and keep on top of their busy lives, most respondents turned to modern technology when they wanted to send a message to their family and friends.